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Latest InformationJCIA NEWSLETTER No.70 was published.


Newsletter in English provides up-to-date information regarding the activities of the JCIA and its member societies.
The main contents of the newsletter are as follows,

・......elects Hiroshi Nakaseko as its new Chairperson.
・......holds the FY2013 JCIA Seminar.
■ Zenkyoren
・Zenkyoren's endowment course "Town Planning for Restoration from the Disaster--Kesennuma Resilience Group" is held in Kesennuma.
■ Zenrosai
・......publishes the "FY2012 Reading Relay Project Implementation Report" on the efforts made to not forget the Great East Japan Earthquake.
■ CO-OP Kyosairen
・CO-OP insurance policyholders exceed 8 million.
・CO-OP insurance mascot character "Kosuke" wins first place in the Companies character category of the Yuru-chara Grand Prix 2013.
■ Nikkaren and Chusho-Kigyo Kyosai
・CFSCI, Nikkaren and Chusho-Kigyo Kyosai commence discussions towards a comprehensive business alliance.